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CHANGED Alaska Legislature: Mandated Posting of Non-discounted Rates. Notice posted December 21, 2018 LINK. For specifics and to read the full requirements please visit the direct link HERE
Medicaid billing must be submitted by end of the day Thursday to be paid by Medicaid the following week. Billing submitted after Thursday hours will pay out on the following medicaid cycle.
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Billing Audits
How do I submit a superbill?Go to the Billing & Coding page of this site and select the reason for the patient visit or simply click on the Create a Superbill link to complete a superbill form online. All superbills are HIPAA secured by Medforward Forms. Download the complete PDF copy of your submission to keep for your records. Please allow 2-3 business days for superbills to be generated into claims and show in your provider CollaborateMD account. Holidays and weekends may delay claims submission.
How do I know what superbills were sent?A monthly report of all superbills receieved and entered into your CollaborateMD account as claims will be sent to the main contact email along with any other account reports on the first of the following month. If you would like individual superbill updates and confirmation, download the PDF copy of the form submitted online through Medforward Forms as your time and date stamped reciept.
How can my patients register with your billing service?All patients must complete the online New Patient Registration Form. This form is available under the I'm a Patient page on this website. Most billing services charge patients a registration fee to cover date processing, form securty costs and elegibility & benefits verification while My AK Billing considers this service a nessesary part of the billing process and inclusive to the cost of thier care at no extra cost. Patients must also complete a new registration form if thier insurance information has changed for accurate billing. Patients who do not complete a registration form will recieve a bill for any outstanding charges after 30 days from the Date of Service reported. Incomplete or inaccurate paper registration forms will be assesed an additional $5.00/form to the provider effective August 10, 2018 due to high volume of incomplete or inaccurate information requiring labor intensive follow-up and correction. Please complete the online registration forms provided to avoid any unnessecary charges.
What is the difference between In- and Out of Network?What does being network mean for your patients? Learn more HERE>
How can my patients apply for a Network Exception?Non-network providers can apply for network exceptions on a case by case basis with their patients wanting in-network benefits to apply toward thier care. The criteria for a network exception varies by carrier and member plan so it is important to have the patient contact thier plan directly for directions before filing. A generic network exception for is provided by My AK Billing in the FORMS section of this page but some plans prefer using thier own forms for processing. Premera's network exception form can be found HERE. Once a network exception is granted, the member will be assigned a case number or will be provided with a authorization letter with a reference number. Your biller will need a copy of this authorization or case reference information to include on all claims.
Im having trouble logging into CollaborateMD1. Make sure you are logging into the cloud-based CollaborateMD version HERE> 2. If this is your first time logging in, make sure you are within the 24hr window for your temporary password. If your temporary password has exceeded 24 hours, contact your biller to have a new temporary passcode assigned. You will be prompted to create a new password on your first login attempt. 3. If you are still having trouble contact your biller or the CollaborateMD support team.
Write-offs, Adjustments and Financial Hardship"One of the most consistently asked questions is, should I waive copayments when requested by a patient? Usually the patient will tell you that their other physicians and therapists waive their copayment so you should also waive copayments for them. Many times, they will also ask you to waive their deductibles, especially in the beginning of the year when most deductibles reset. This is especially true now that copays and deductibles are increasing to their highest rates in history as insurance companies try to minimize their expenses. The best advice is to not waive copayments as a practice policy. Medicare allows you to waive copayments under certain circumstances. Private payers generally do not allow you to waive copayments. Be sure to check your contract with each payer to make sure what their policy is for waiving copayments. The consequences can put your practice in jeopardy. ​ Should you waive copayments for patients? Most policies concerning the treatment of copayments and deductibles are included in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). ​ HIPAA concluded that free services are likely to influence a patient to receive some other paid services and should be considered a form of remuneration. Since offering remuneration to patients is illegal, waiving copayments and deductibles are illegal. However, HIPAA did allow certain waivers to remuneration to patients and allow practices to waive copayments and deductibles if: The waiver is not offered as part of any advertisement of solicitation. The practice does not routinely waive copayments or deductible amounts. The practice waives the copayments or deductible amounts after: The patient can show financial hardship. Financial Hardship should be defined by the practice in a written policy and must be applied equally to all patients. The practice fails to collect copay or deductible amounts after making reasonable collection efforts. A health plan type of waiver not applicable to individual or group providers. So, if you occasionally waive copayments to those who can demonstrate financial hardship, you will be within the law. But you cannot routinely waive copayments or advertise that you waive copayments. So when a patient asks you to waive your copayments, you should inform them that this practice is illegal Should you waive copayments for Private Payer patients? When Private Payer Insurance Companies set a copayment or deductible amount as part of their Insured’s policy, they are counting on the copayment or deductible to cause a pattern of behavior. Simply stated, high copays are designed to make sure the patient goes to the doctor when they have a real problem, not every time they have an ache or pain. Similarly, high deductibles are designed to make sure the patient gets treated and released from care instead of using their health insurance for maintenance treatments. If you agree to waive copayments or deductibles, you are removing the incentives set by the insurance company and may be increasing the amount of care to the patient and the cost to the insurance company. This might be considered fraud based on your contract with the insurance company. Most private payers do not allow you to waive copayments or deductibles. It is always best to check your contract to see if you are allowed to waive these fees and under what circumstances you are allowed to waive these fees. If you want to reduce the fees paid by the patient, the best way to do this would be to reduce your fee so both the patient and the insurance company pay less. This will not reduce any copayments that must be collected at full value. If the patient is truly having financial hardship, you may decide to treat the patient pro-bono. Again, you should check your contract with the private payer to make sure this is allowed and you should have written practice policy that is uniformly administered to all patients. Conclusion – Do NOT waive copayments When a patient asks you to waive their copayments or deductibles, it is best to inform them that this practice is illegal and not endorsed by you nor your practice. If they threaten to go to another therapist who will waive their copay or deductible, you are better off letting them go to another therapist. On top of the legal issues, you are also working for free or greatly reduced fees when you waive copays and deductibles. Wouldn’t you rather have a patient paying his fair share rather than a patient receiving free services? You owe it to yourself and your practice to be fiscally responsible and protect it from possible fraud charges by refusing to waive copayments unless it is justified by financial hardship. For more detailed information on qualifying for financial hardship, visit
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